Heroin – the most stigmatised drug?

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about the enormous stigma that surrounds heroin.

Even people within the drug-using community who detest prohibition will often be heard saying something like “Yeah, legalise everything… but not heroin. Never heroin.

Why is this the case? Is there evidence to support the view of heroin as the most harmful, addictive drug around?

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Scapegoat for Murder

This article was originally written for The Third Wave.

The tragic death of Jake Cawte near Adelaide in Australia had only barely hit the press before the finger was pointed at ayahuasca.

Jake was shot by his twin brother Luke at their family home, using one of their father’s weapons. Despite Luke’s previous issues with mental health, it was their brief encounter with ayahuasca that has, without any basis in fact, been blamed for this act of violence.

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